Thursday, October 30, 2008

A "New" Shelf & Pumpkin Carving

We're almost finally done with our kitchen remodel (as soon we get all the finishing touches on it I'll post the 'before' and 'after' pictures of it I promise). I knew I wanted an extra shelf to store some of the teacups and teapots on that I use on a regular basis for easy access and just because I love the looking at them even though their not my fancy delicate ones. I still think they are pretty. I love tea. Which reminds me I made myself a cup of tea oh about 5 hours ago and I just realized I never took the time to actually sit down and drink it. It's still sitting next to the living room couch. Of course it's cold and yucky now. Darn. But I did get 3 loads of laundry folded and then Ella decided to throw all my neat stacks of nicely folded clothes onto the floor. So I gave up and just threw everything back into the basket. So now I'm back to square one...guess I should of just sat down and taken a break and drank my tea whilst it was still hot. Sigh. Oh well...the life of a mother. lol. Sorry I think my train of thought derailed (mommy brain)...oh yeah shelf, I was talking about the shelf, right?? lol.

Anywhoooo....I knew I wanted a shelf but I didn't really want to spend much if any money on it. Then I remembered I still had a hanging wicker storage shelf from when we remodeled the bathroom that we weren't using anymore. So I decided to remove the doors from it, then I puttied and sanded where the holes were and then gave it a fresh coat of white paint. What would I do without spray paint? I love thee so. I think I've been through about 12 plus cans of it in the past month on various projects. *grin* Sorry there went my train of thought again. Yes shelf...back to the shelf.

So now I have a "new" shelf in my new kitchen and best of all it didn't cost me a dime. Woohoo!
Pictured below are the before pictures and after pictures and of course of my little helper. Isn't she cute? *smile*

Then tonight I made homemade pizza for dinner...mmmmmmm. Then after dinner it was PUMPKIN CARVING TIME!!!!! :)
The girls are designed their own faces for their pumpkins. Mom of course got named the official "pumpkin scooper outer" because it was I quote "icky, slimy, yucky, ew". Thanks. *rolling eyes* Each girl had her own pumpkin that they had picked out at the pumpkin patch awhile back. I also had a big pumpkin of my own that I picked out too so I carved that one (and scooped it of course....ewwwww. *rolling eyes* lol).

I think it's funny that the ones they picked out all on their own actually vary in size by their own age. R the oldest picked the largest, G the middle child picked the middle sized one, and E picked the baby sized pumpkin. :D It's too cute.
Here are the before and the after pics of the pumpkins (oh and a pic of the pizza just to make you hungry). ;)
(Oh and sorry they're not that greatest photos I was too lazy to get a tripod out and I suck at hand holding night pictures lol...but you get the idea. )

Baby Pumpkin says Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

South Dakota Mom said...

I will look foward to seeing the kitchen pics. The shelf is perfect. The pumpkins were pretty cool, and Ella's cute face always puts a smile on mine:)
You guys have a Happy Halloween!