My darling G was once given a beautiful hand knitted winter hat. She looooovvveeeddd that hat. She wore it everywhere. She wore it to play in. She wore it to bed. She wore it to preschool. She wore it in the dead heat of summer. She always had her hat on. After many washings, wearings, and much love said beloved hat started to slowly unravel. A strand here, a strand there. We tried our best to repair the hat but after a couple years it was time to retire it for good.
Ever since the day G saw me pick up a pair of knitting needles she has wanted to know when *I* was going to knit her a hat. So I took a knitting class where I learned to knit squares, which later turned into rectangles. I made her scarves, I made her purses, I made her headbands, but yet no hats ever came off the ends of my knitting needles. Not for lack of trying though. I tried watching knitting videos online about how to knit a hat, I watched other mothers happily knit their offspring cute little hats trying to soak up pointers and advice, but sadly I am still a bit knitting impaired lol. I will get it one day I'm sure but until then there was still no hat for Miss G.
Then last week my MIL and I were shopping together and she saw the Knifty Knitter loom. "Knit hats, booties, scarves and more with ease!" the packaging boasted. "Knitting made easy!" Hmmmmmm...intriguing I thought.
She picked it up, "I wonder if the girls would like this?" she asked me.
"I don't know," I told her, "but if they didn't maybe I could use it to attempt to make a hat for G with it."
"Perfect!" she told me and into her cart it went. Yeah gotta love great MILs! :)
Fast fwd to a week first attempt was a bit too small for G's noggin but it was a HAT, A HAT!!! I had actually made a flipping hat! I was so excited! G was so excited!
Luckily it wasn't a total loss though, the little green hat fit little Miss E perfectly, so we decided to give it to E and make a 2nd larger hat for G. E LOVES fish, so I attempted to sew a little fish of yarn with a little button eye onto the tiny green hat. Unfortunately it didn't go too well... lol. It came out a bit deformed but hey it was made with love... lopsided, slightly deformed, lumpy, skinny fish love. :)
Luckily E doesn't seem to mind at all. She informed me it was a sardine hat lmbo. :D
I found a really soft, fuzzy, pretty pink and white wool yarn and began hat #2 (although slightly larger this time). I'm halfway through with it but the most awesome thing is that G became so interested in watching me knit that hat that SHE wanted to help knit it. :)
So I showed her how to do it (and yes the packaging didn't lie, it is that easy *wink*) and she and I have been taking turns knitting her hat.